Caviar House & Prunier, which is known to produce the finest caviar and smoked salmon in the world, claimed that love begins in the stomach. The Prunier Caviar is created from recipes that have been closely guarded secrets for centuries. In addition to the finest caviar and smoked salmon, the house supplements their assortment sensibly with high-quality delicatessen products from the best producers in the world. Caviar House & Prunier combines tradition and modernity for you with the goal of achieving the highest culinary quality. Today, connoisseurs and those in the know all over the world rely on their historical expertise. And for their absolutely top-class products, the employees of Caviar House & Prunier deliver absolutely top performance every day. Caviar House & Prunier supply consumers with the finest that nature has to offer in collaboration with the best producers in the world.
About an hour's drive away from the town of Bordeaux in the South of France lies the aquaculture and caviar production site, Prunier. The Prunier Farm can be found in the luscious landscape of the Dordogne, idyllically situated on the River Isle. Here, about 150,000 sturgeon call Montpon-Ménestérol, a town in the county of Gironde, their home. They live in woodlands outdoors, in a large pool connected to the River Isle through an open water circuit. As a result, all of this makes the product of the highest quality.
However, there are other factors that make Caviar House & Prunier so prosperous. Behind every company's success is always a highly motivated and qualified team. They are all always aware of the responsibility that comes with being ordered by the finest gourmets on earth.
Besides caviar, the house also famous for delicious smoked salmon. Balik salmon, considered by most salmon connoisseurs to be the finest smoked salmon in the world, has its roots in Imperial Russia – in an era when the art of "fine dining" and the quality of the products which are used, celebrated by the Russian aristocracy, reach an unprecedented level.
During the producing of their products like Balik Salmon and Prunier Caviar as well as in the selection of products by partners, the company make a lot of effort. So that this application was not in vain or the quality of the products suffers on the way to the customer, Caviar House & Prunier has installed a sophisticated shipping and packaging system for delicacies. All its caviar types and Balik salmon are individually packed by hand.
Caviar House & Prunier claimed that their finest products deserve high-quality packaging, which safely absorbs, protects and thus preserves these valuables. In addition, equipped with sufficient cooling batteries, the sophisticated packaging system guarantees a complete cold chain right to the customer's home.