Arturo Fuente is a brand of cigar, founded by Arturo Fuente, Sr. in 1912 in West Tampa, Florida. Following a catastrophic fire in 1924, the brand ceased production for 22 years, reemerging in 1946 on a limited, local basis. Ownership was transferred to Arturo's younger son, Carlos Fuente, Sr. in 1958. Following the 1960 United States embargo of Cuba, the Fuente brand began a period of slow and steady growth, emerging as one of the most critically acclaimed makers of hand-rolled premium cigars outside of Cuba. As of 2010 the company was producing 30 million cigars per annum from its factory in the Dominican Republic. In 2012, the Fuente companies celebrated 100 years of hard work, dedication and family tradition. From the very beginning, the focus of making a Fuente cigar was quality: quality tobacco, quality craftsmanship, and taking the time necessary to make a truly remarkable cigar. According to Carlos Fuente Sr, they didn't hurry things, they just did things the way they were supposed to be done.
When the Fuente companies were established in 1912, Arturo Fuente would have never dreamed his passion for cigars would become a global benchmark for the cigar industry. He started his company with humble beginnings, rolling and blending cigars in the back of his house with his wife Cristina and two sons, Carlos and Arturo Oscar. Four generations later, the company is still family-owned and operated in the Dominican Republic.
100 years later, a burning passion for cigars continues to inspire the Fuente family. As they pass down to their children the culture and traditions of Arturo Fuente, the Fuente family will continue to make the world’s finest cigars for generations to come.
After years of development, Arturo Fuente proudly presents the Magnum R line of cigars. The Magnum R line features an exclusive Rosado sungrown wrapper, culled from the lower primings of fine Ecuadorian tobacco plants and aged for nearly a decade. It is these rare and delicate wrapper leaves that create this complex, balanced smoke.
The Magnum R cigar appeals to cigar lovers who enjoy a creamier and smoother cigar experience without sacrificing flavor. With a distinctive, sweet finish and elegant, complex undertones, this cigar is destined to become another Fuente classic.
Strength: Medium; Shape: Robusto; Size: 5 x 52; Country: Dominican Republic; Color: Natural; Wrapper Origin: Ecuadorian Rosado Sungrown; Binder: Dominican Republic; Filler: Dominican Republic; Box Count: 25.
The Magnum R Rosado sungrown are released in 6 sizes and each one is named after their ring size: Vitola 52, Vitola 54, Vitola 56, Vitola 58, Vitola 44 and Vitola 60.
A rich, African Cameroon wrapper over vintage Dominican filler give way to flavors both complex and refined. The slightly sweet flavor produced by the select African Cameroon wrapper is in perfect balance with the savory aroma. Flawless construction, a hallmark of Tabacalera A. Fuente, ensures an even burn and smooth draw, unquestionably among the world’s most elite cigars.
Carlos Fuente Jr. is one of the most recognized faces in the world of cigars. The 51-year-old president of Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia. is a passionate cigarmaker who finds inspiration in breaking new ground in the cigar business. He and his father, Carlos Sr., revived the perfect shape with their immensely popular Hemingway series of cigars and drove the demand for full-flavored smokes with their creation of the Fuente OpusX, the first successful cigar to be made with a Cuban-seed wrapper grown under shade in the Dominican Republic.